Course Projects

At the end of the course each group will do a course project. Here is a list of projects for inspiration:

  • Navigation through LEGO road elements

    This project is inspited by the paper of Maja J Mataric, Integration of Representation Into Goal-Driven Behavior-Based Robots, in IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 8(3), Jun 1992, 304-312.

    Here is an example of a road network build out of LEGO road elements:

    The project is to construct a LEGO car that can drive on the LEGO roads and build a map of a LEGO road network. Afterwards the car should be able to get from one known landmark to another by the shortest known route.

  • Sex Bots

    Jason Striegel has described how he has build a couble of simple LEGO MindStorms robots that can reproduce, i.e. they can exchange code over the IR communication channel. He calls his robots sex bots. Try to make a flock of robots based on the idea of code exchange or exchange of genes as in Embodied Evolution. Make sure that it is observable that the flock change their behaviour as a result of reproduction.
  • LegWay

    Try to build a LEGO car that can balance on two wheels. Inspiration can be found in LegWay.
  • Synthetic Creatures

    The project has been inspired by the Valentino Braitenberg's Vehicles in Braitenberg, V. 1984. Vehicles, Experiments in Synthetic Psychology London, Cambridge: The MIT Press. The project is to construct a LEGO creature inspired by the material on Synthetic Creatures Project Page.
  • First LEGO Legue

    Each year a LEGO robot challenge is announced by FIRST. In this project you should take up this years challenge.

  • Interactive Robot Games

    Design and implement an interactive robot game e.g. inspired by computer games. Take a look at, or Former DAIMI students Esben Østergaard, Kasper Støy and Jesper Blynel did this when they made an interactive robot game inspired by Pacman. A LEGO Pacman robot remotely controlled by a user has to avoid two LEGO ghost robots and find the center of a maze on the floor.

    The Ghost Robot

    The Pacman Robot

    A french boy is focused on the game.

    Esben Østergaard is testing the game